Zelda climbing the Christmas Tree |
There was a rustling of branches and swinging ornaments. Who should it be, but Zelda, the adventurous kitten climbing the Christmas Tree. Quickly fetching her from the tangle of lights as she clung to the plastic pine needles, she was no sooner retrieved and brother, Link, was right behind her. Look... what fun!
Tarragon, the good kitty, watched them climb, knowing this was forbidden, having been ever so compliant to this point, but the temptation was too great. Now 3 kittens in the tree. There was no averting this mischievousness, so as much as I was enjoying my tree and hoping to leave it up until New Years, down it came, 2 days after Christmas.
Tarragon, our unofficial Christmas package on Christmas Eve. |
Christmas Eve Tarragon was no where to be found. We searched the house high and low, calling his name. We had even checked for rustling branches on the Christmas tree several times. Silence, no bounding kitten. We were in a hurry, now running late for Christmas Eve Service and not wanting to leave him to his own devises while we were gone. Finally spotted, among the gifts, perhaps making himself one of our gifts, our little boy, sound asleep. We have not completed the paperwork, but before the New Year we hope to make his adoption official.
Zelda and Tarragon |
Look, something new. Is it safe? Can we play with it? These two are like big brother and little sister. Tarragon loves to make her squeal, then runs off and she chases him down looking for more rough and tumble play. We keep a close eye on them with the size difference of more than 3 lbs. He could do some damage to the little girl, but is so gentle, mostly pinning her down and licking her.
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