Friday, November 30, 2012

Kittens at 14 weeks, Grain Free Food

Tarragon, a moment of still.  14 weeks
Getting a photo of the two of them with the blue background is no longer possible, at least not by myself.  Getting any photo is quite the challenge, they are so busy and quick.  I went through the 40 plus photos and many were just a blur of a kitten in motion.  Others, no kitten at all.  By the time the camera clicked, the kitten was gone.

Tarragon, now 4.5 lbs, is a fluff ball of love.  He circles around my legs and until I pick him up.  He gets in his hugs and kisses and then is off to explore.  He's checking out that coffee cup, one sniff, a shake of the head and then peers at me in wonderment.. 
Rosemary, 14 weeks

Rosemary, not quite 4.5 lbs, is for the first time smaller than her brother.  She must work out all her energy and then she is ready to curl up on your chest, pawing and nuzzling.  It looks like she may have found a new home.  I'm waiting for a phone call this morning to confirm the adoption.
Blue Buffalo Wilderness, No Grain, has become my new food of choice.  It doesn't much matter what Rosemary eats, but Tarragon may have a food intolerance.  He was having some diarrhea and also reacting poorly to loud noises.  I will be curious to see how he does at PetSmart this weekend and if the new diet will reduce his stress levels while he is there.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Kittens at Week 12 and 13

One less kitten in the house.  Basil was adopted and her name was changed to Winter. 
12 weeks old, Rosemary and Tarragon
Tarragon and Rosemary have adjusted to their missing sibling and are more playful than ever each day that passes.  The biggest change in their appearance at this age is in the shape of their faces.  They are rounding out, making them even more adorable.

At 12 weeks they weighed 3.5 lbs and at 13 weeks they are almost 3 lbs 14 oz.  The tail length is 10 inches.
Other than brushing the kittens and cleaning their eyes, they need very little help with their grooming.  With two kittens, one grooms the other in tricky places like ears.

Rosemary 13 weeks
Both the kittens want lots of attention first thing in the morning or maybe they like my mug of hot coffee.  Curious about what I am drinking, Tarragon decided if I liked it, he might, too. He took one lick, ran away, shook his head and gave me a look like "how do you drink that vile stuff".  Rosemary didn't learn from her brother and tested it out for herself with a similar reaction.  The next morning, each put their nose in my mug, shook their heads in a way that said "why?", then settled in for some people time, only warming themselves by my mug.

whole white mouse verses shell of a mouse
Tarragon has a new favorite toy.  It was a rabbit fur mouse, but the inner plastic mouse is gone, leaving just the fur covering.   If you look close you can see the gray fur.  He is very possessive of this item, yet plays fetch with it.  For more than 30 minutes he brought me the toy, I threw it, he chased it, then brought it back again. It's a great way to wear out this very active little boy.

Tarragon 13 weeks

Have a Wonderful Thanksgiving! 

Monday, November 12, 2012

11 Weeks and One Adoption

11 Weeks, Tarragon, Basil and Rosemary
Eleven Weeks Old and lots of energy.   Something comes crashing down, phew, it didn't break, but definitely time to kitten proof  the house to 3 feet UP, the distance that can be leaped from the floor at this point.  As for their size, weight 2 lbs. 14 oz., tail 8 - 9 in., and ears, it is basically the same as 10 weeks.  Much less cooperative with picture taking, but here again so you can examine any changes.

Tarragon is having a tough time with going to Petsmart.  The sounds, the smells, we're not quite sure.  I was thinking he would be the first one adopted, but now, it may take awhile.  He is such a fun kitten with lots of personality and so sweet when he curls up in your lap for a nap.  But there, if you try to hold him, out come the claws as he clings on in terror. 
Waiting at Petsmart for a Forever Home

Basil and Rosemary are taking this adventure in stride, but thankful when their 5 hours are up and they can come back to a familiar environment.  

On Sunday Nov. 11, Basil found her forever home, a very nice family with children and another cat.  She will get lots of attention and love.  It's very comforting to meet the family, but also more emotional for me. 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

10 weeks and First Adoption Day

10 weeks old, Basil, Tarragon and Rosemary
At 10 weeks old, all the kittens are big eaters and weigh in at 2 lbs 14 oz.  The tails vary in length from 8-9 inches, with the medium hair boy having the longest tail.  It took more than a dozen attempts to get the 3 kittens together.  They had other ideas of what they wanted to do, chase, climb, etc.

The girls have had their stitches removed after having their Spay surgery.  The vet we use has changed from using the self-dissolving stitches to standard stitches.  It means a second trip back to the vet somewhere between 10-14 days after surgery, but I think it is a better method.  It was not uncommon for my girls to have their incision area reopen to a gaping hole after 7 days.  That meant potential infections, extra healing time and delays in being adoption ready.

All healed and Halloween in our past, today is their first day to Petsmart.  I've been preparing myself for goodbye, not knowing if today will be the last day I will ever see these babies that have been a part of my life for over 8 weeks.  Hard to believe someone threw these beautiful little lives in a trashcan. 


 Basil is my little sweetheart.  With her easy going personality she will do well in a home with other pets and children.  She loves to play and then fall asleep in your arms.

Rosemary has lots of personality and is very affectionate.  She's one of those kitties that likes to wrap herself around your neck and have her face very close to your face. 
Sound asleep under my chin.

Tarragon is a fluffy lap kitten.  He is the instigator of playtime and games.  Meow, meow, meow as he calls his sisters to come chase him or discover a new toy.  Affectionate, social and just down right beautiful, he'll be a tough one to let go.
